REMEDY STAR - GST Updation Instructions
** Download Updation **
(Please use google CHROME for download REMEDY STAR Updation)
1. Click on link 'GST Updation New' and Select Remedy Star (Wholesale).
2. Download Remedy Star GST Updation.
** GST Updation Installation **
1. You have to install the downloaded updation first in the Server and then all other computers. Make sure you have taken a special backup on the Server.
2. Close the Remedy* program, if it is running.
3. Double click on the downloaded updation file (Run).
4. Click on the Install button.
5. After the Installation, Open Remedy* as usual. It may take some time showing "Iniialising...", since some updations are to be done.
6. Use 'Edit Shop' from Login screen and give your 'GSTIN' then Click on Update Button.
7. Open 'Control Centre' from the 'Tools' menu. Select 'Others' Tab, Tick Enable GST checkbox. Then select 'Print Options' Tab select 'GST' print type (Last One) from 'Sale Bill'. Click 'Update' Button.
8. Open 'Tax Deails' from 'Masters' menu and select 'GST'. Create the GST Rates.
Eg: 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%. For that give 5 in IGST Rate, 2.5 in CGST and 2.5 in SGST then Click on 'Create GST' Button.
Similarly create all other GST Rates.
9. Open 'Sale Voucher' from 'Masters' Menu, Press 'Enter' Key on 'Sales G1'. Change 'Inv Caption' to 'TAX INVOICE'. Click on 'Update' Button.
Thank you, Now you are Ready for GST Billing